Our Vision

  • Devote ourselves as a church to the teaching of Scripture, to fellowship, to worship, and to prayer (Acts 2:42)
  • Prayerfully seek avenues of outreach to our community so that we might share the gospel with those who are lost
  • Work to disciple the believers in Christ who come to New Hope
  • Engage in the spread of the gospel to places beyond our community
  • Participate in the relief of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan
  • Work to develop relationships of unity, prayer, and partnership with other local churches that lift up Jesus Christ and honor His Word
  • Develop facilities and ministries that can be used to bridge the gap between the church and the community by meeting needs and sharing the gospel
  • Work in partnership with other local pastors to develop a center for biblical training that will serve the churches of East Pierce County
  • Facilitate the planting of local churches